Monday, September 13, 2010

Protoss: Interview with TheGreenMachine

Hey guys, I recently did an email interview with TheGreenMachine after my friends asked me a few questions about how to deal with Terran Mech.

Here's the interview.

Hey TheGreenMachine, How are you Doing today?

doin great

So many players have been complaining that Terran are OP after they go mech, whats your view on this?

I think mech vs zerg is very strong, in my games I have experimented with zerg you are forced to go hive in order to do some damage to a mech ball. Everything below hive feels ineffective vs tanks and thors even catching tanks unsieged.

And so, how do you deal with the mech ball?(feel free to post a wall of text)

'As a protoss player I don't feel mech is very strong at all, I've fought lots of meching terrans and I just out-expand them. I keep 1 base ahead of them at all times and mass tier 1 zealots and stalkers off gateways. Its known as the "macro style protoss". Later on when terran feels content with his pure anti-ground army I can just cut all ground army production and hit him with 6 stargates making 100% voidrays and he often dies instantly. A big strength protoss don't often use is chronoboost, it allows you to tech-switch extremely efficiently.

A problem some protoss have is they feel like they should make a little bit of everything to fight off terran's little bit of everything 'marine, tank, hellion, thor, medivac, viking' army. Best way to fight it is to counter whatever he is defending strongest with. If hes going heavy marine you could go collosus or templar, if its low anti air mass voidrays, if its lots of ghosts go fewer stalkers/sentry, if its mass viking just go immortal instead of collosus. As soon as terran has a super mech+ghost ball he thinks is invincible just go for a wild 180 degree tech switch and chronoboost it off your multiple bases, he will usually die instantly.

Also, never let the terran army siege up outside your front door. If he gets to a point where he can siege your mineral line or keep you from expanding, you have already lost. Instead, do things like warp prism harass, voidray harass, sending in a few units after his army leaves, or intercepting his army en route. All these things will keep the terran from getting in a static position in a place that will hurt you. Maps like steppes of war are very strong for a marine+tank player because they can leap frog to your base fairly easily so be prepared to fight off tanks head-on with a map like that.'

Ah that's interesting, so do you have any words of encouragement for lower league players?

'Just start out with a simple BO every protoss should use up until 20 supply, then slowly add on any structure you need while constantly making probes. Expand when your opponent expands (or before them), scout often, micro your units. Remember that seconds matter in PvT: 1 missed forcefield, 1 late immortal, 1 missing observer, or 1 good EMP could lose you the game immediately, so keep your build order and unit control tight. Don't forget that every lower league game loss is because of 1) letting your macro slip or 2) not scouting. Don't let either of those happen and you'll get into diamond in no time.

Thanks The Green Machine.

TheGreenMachine is a diamond ranked protoss player in the NA Server. He helps out a lot of new players at

Wow that was rather insightful. I mean like I have never thought of dealing with the Terrans by forcing them to move around like that.

Well anyways I hope that was useful for all the Protoss players out there who read this blog and I hope that you guys get up to Diamond soon!

This was another interview done by Fireport for

Fireport Signing Off!

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