Friday, September 17, 2010

Zerg: The Hydra Approach

I know I've been through the mutalisks and basically now its time to look at the other mid-game transition. The Hydralisks.

I don't wanna be near that set of teeth!

Ok lets look at the perks of a Hydralisk, it has a long range for a ground unit and works really well on hills and on creep.

Now lets start on the Tutorial


So what's the point of going Hydras instead of Mutas? Well for one they have a much longer range than the 3 Range Mutalisks. They have 5 normally and 6 when the upgrade is done. And trust me that +1 Range upgrade is really really really useful.

Its like giving your Hydralisks one of these!

The Role of a Hydralisks with its low health and armor yet insanely high DPS when massed would be as the main attack force which requires a lot of units in front of it to tank the damage.

What your Hydralisks army will look like without units to tank for it!

So since the Hydralisks is pretty much a glass cannon, you'll definitely need either a lot of Zerglings or have a nice line of Roaches by mid-game to support your Hydralisks.

What your Hydralisks Probably look like to your enemy.


Here are a few youtube examples of Hydra builds and how to use Hydras.


Well I could only find 1 Video example for you.

But looking into games. As long as you go to, you'll probably find more examples of how to get to the Hydras.


Here is ForceSC2's BO
(14) Extractor
(14) Spawning Pool
(16) Queen
(18) Metabolic Boost
(20) Hatchery
(20) Queen
(23) Spine Crawler
(34) Lair
(38) Hydralisk Den

Now I don't usually do this but I'm going to get into this build order and analyze it a bit for you.

You notice that he goes for a 14 Gas 14 Pool and a 16 Queen?

Wish it was this Queen!

That would be the standard Zerg Macro Opener which you can use for things such as Muta Rushes or Early Expansions and other such things.

The Early gas allows you to have speed lings and a faster lair than lets say a 9 pool build or the horrible horrible 6 pool.

You'll probably need like 10 of these.

The aim for this build is to get your Den out as fast as you can while massing Zerglings, and for that you need a strong economy.

So remember 14gas 14pool is a standard ZERG MACRO OPENER.


Always remember that when you're going for tech rushes or transitioning into a mid-game build your economy has to be strong.

See that rising line? That's your drone count.

Here's a few things ForceSC2 states.
- Make Zerglings early on to scout your opponents ramp, as well as handle any early Reapers you may see

- When you do expand make sure you have a Spine Crawler or two, this will be what saves you from an early push

- Hydralisks dominate terran ground if there are no siege tanks on the board, take advantage of that

NOTE: Build orders should never stay static and are subject to change based on what your opponent is doing! Remember this is an RTS: use your brain, be adaptable, profit.

I'd listen to what he says about the fact that Build Orders should never stay static.

Make sure you adapt to your enemy no matter what.

Here's a mental checklist for you.
1. Drone Count Good?
2. Get Gas yet?
3. Is your queen out?
4. Supply capped?
5. Zergling Speed!
6. Drone Count!
7. Hydra Range!
8. Supply capped?

As long as you keep asking yourself these few questions you'll be fine.

I hope this Hydralisks tutorial will help you guys in due time. Till Next time People!

This is Fireport with another article for Signing Off!

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