Sunday, September 12, 2010

Zerg: The 9 Pool Opener

Well now that I've rose a league.

And that I have a good use of this opener. I think its time I start sharing more about it to help us low tier players attempt to hike into plat and above.

I'm talking about the 9 pool. The epic 9 pool which gives you the choice to rush in with zerglings or tech up straight into muta's or roaches.

It is the most versatile opener in the Zerg Arsenal as it allows early attack units and also does not harm your economy as much as 6 pooling or 7 pooling.

Many people might call it cheese but it actually is just an early push or a rush. Not a bad one that can't be defended but actually one which people just tend to over look.


The theory behind the 9 pool is to allow an early army advantage while minimizing your losses in economy while you store up an army. 9 Pool is an opener and should not be encouraged to be maintained the way it is later in the game.

It's always advisable to build more drones and to constantly tech up if your initial push does not go through.

Also its kind of a 50/50 thing. If your Zerglings can push in and you can actually start clearing them up and cleaning them up with no cannons or bunkers in sight. You'll definitely win as long as you remember to spawn larvae and keep pumping zerglings.

If you see a wall, go roaches, banes or even mutas. You have the ability to bounce back economically. Just build a few more zerglings to force them into 1 base and expand on your side.

After all the basics behind Zerg Play is Expansion.


Here's an example of the 9 pool in action.


Well he does it differently from me and like way differently. His version of the 9 pool actually sets him back a bit because of the timing of his Overlord.

His goes something like this
9 Pool
8 OL
8 Drone
9 Zergling
10 Zergling
11 Zergling
12 Queen
14 Zergling
15 OL

Now this is mine
9 Pool
8 X2 Drones
10 Overlord
10 X6 Zerglings(cause the timing for this is perfect)
13 Zergling
14 Queen
16 Zerglings
17 Overlord
17 Drone

Its the same build but the timings are way different.

Cause of the timing of my queen and overlord I'm able to use the spawn larvae and by the time the Overlord comes out my excess larvae is out and I have an insane number of Zerglings.


Always look for holes in the wall and try to sneak in.

If the opponent walls off just try to sneak in. If he does it right after your first few zerglings just retreat and tech up.

If you do get in and take out either a pylon or the barracks. Keep pumping zerglings. This build is extremely versatile and allows you to change from zerglings to your next unit in a snap.

If you see bunkers and things look out for backdoors or something. Usually 1v1 maps which have back doors allows you to go for it.

Of course make sure your Overlord is there and watching it.

This builds most important ability is in its macro as an early opener.

Here's a mental checklist for you if you're using this build.
1. Am I optimized before my pool drops?(Do I have excess minerals)
2. Did he wall up properly?
3. If he did have I dropped my gas?/ If He hasn't am I constantly pumping zerglings to stomp out his army?
4. Am I supply capped?
5. Is my Queen out?

I hope that this tutorial and build will be able to tide you through your journey in the lower tiers and hope it can help other players who were in bronze rise to silver and beyond.

Personally I'm still in silver and still trying to perfect this build of mine.

Well until next time.

This is Fireport with another article for signing off!

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